Most people have health problems due to lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, that leads to the fact that the oxygen in the cells decreases, the capillaries to constrict and the blood becomes viscous. As a result the organism will get polluted, its secretion system weakens, which consists of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and the skin. A variety of so-called waste accumulates in the body. It may be not fully oxidised products of metabolism, drugs, unnecessary salts, toxins from localized infections, excess cholesterol in the blood, deposits of cholesterol and other substances in the vessels and bronchi walls, deposits of calcium and phosphorous salts in the joints, spine, vascular, etc.
How will this breathing mode affect the body, and may there be reactions?
With proper breathing the metabolism normalizes and the activity of the excretory organs will improve, which leads to that the organism is cleared. Receptacles and capillary tonus is normalized, and various symptoms of illness resolves. When you start to cut back on the breathing rate the carbon dioxide levels increase slowly and the unnecessary respirator in the form of mucus and slag disappears. In addition, the volume of all vessels is expanded, ducts and pipes that the organism has made narrower or closed to retain carbon dioxide.
Now all the organs of the organism, tissues and systems are cleared at the cellular level. Reactions to the cleanup can manifest itself in the form of rhinitis, profuse salivation, diarrhea, frequent urination, thirst, sweating, coated tongue, mucus secretion. You may also have flu-like conditions such as chills, fever, weakness and pains throughout the body. Appetite may be reduced or completely disappear. In the first days you usually have salivation and frequent urination. All of these cleansing reactions happens in sick people, and the longer the disease has lasted, the stronger the reactions. People with minor health problems can experience weak reaction or no reaction at all. If strong cleansing reactions occur, you can cancel the exercises, pause for a few days and then get started again. The exercises should not be interrupted by weak reactions.
It is the tongue that reflects the process. Normally, it is pink, moist, clean without grooves and cracks. If coating on the tongue is yellow, it means that the liver is getting cleared, if it is white then the digestive tract is getting cleared. If there is there water in the body the tongue is dry. Food can arouse disgust in a patient that have a coated tongue, in which case the patient should not be forced to eat. To excrete waste from the body, you have to drink lots of water. You can see on the tongue if it is a cleaning process or if you have a cold. As soon as the tongue becomes pink, clean and moist, it means that the purge is over and the patient is healthy for this time.
What can I do to facilitate the cleansing?
Take a hot shower, sit in the bath, sauna is also recommended. You can drink lots of warm salted water. Do not eat unless you want to. Do not distract the organism from its job – the cleanup. Do not lie still. Sit up, move – preferably outdoors in the fresh air. Long walks in the forest are usually good for everybody.