Four main factors interact
In summary, effective breathing exercises contributes that four powerful main factors cooperate to improve your health:
Firstly, there is a controlled hypoxia in the body – less oxygen in the body. This improves considerable the ability of the organism to adapt to changing conditions – increasing thus its resistance to disease. The whole metabolism will work more economically and the amount of free radicals decreases.
Secondly, hypercapnia occurs, which means that the carbon dioxide content in blood increases. Capillaries dilate and oxygen uptake in the cells increases, which enhances all chemical processes in the body. Vitamins and enzymes work more efficiently.
Third, widen the bronchi by the emergence of some resistance at the exhalation and inhalation. This improves the blood circulation in the lung and bronchi considerably, and the number of red blood cells (Erythrocytes) increases.
Fourth, it increases blood circulation in the chest by diaphragmatic breathing. This facilitates the heart function, activates the lymphatic circulation, and thus cleared the body of waste products. Diaphragms muscle massaging including abdominal organs so that the entire gastrointestinal tract is affected.